Human-proofing your Operations

Last week marked the twelve year anniversary of the Texas City Refinery Disaster where 15 workers died. I study this tragedy because it is so rich with lessons. I would rather study positive success stories but I guess my natural inclination is to gravitate to these...

It Is The Critic That Counts…Wait, What?

It Is The Critic That Counts…Wait, What? Actually I really like the quote from President Theodore Roosevelt about “The Man in the Arena.” I like it so much I included it in my change of command speech when I was leaving USS KEY WEST (SSN 722). I wanted my crew to know...

Inconceivable Leadership

Inconceivable Leadership   “Delegation” – You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Early in my Naval Officer career, we would be told we needed to learn how to delegate if we wanted to be effective leaders. I see that advice...